Friday, June 6, 2008

Not Quite A Nightmare...

"dusts off blog..."

Actually got a good amount of sleep last night (9 hours, woot!), so of course, there's gonna be dreamin'. Wans't a fun one either.

It starts off in an old (think 1800's) theater house. There's some kid getting ready to do a show, maybe a magic show, since the kid was pretty reminiscent of Zachary Zatara. A lot of his show involves minor pyrotechnics such as firecrackers and bottlerocket- real little stuff. Well, the problem is that one of his female family members (might be a young mom or much older sister) is a bit slow and fascinated with fire. She keeps lighting them when she shouldn't be, and ends up lighting one on balcony that doesn't have any powder in it. The casing starts to melt, and drips off the balcony. This is when the shit hits the fan.

Apparently the showman has an open bag of explosive powder underneath the balcony, and the flaming drip falls into it. Normally this would've been bad, big bang taking out most of the stage and all that. However, by this point in the dream the theater is filled with people. It's also now filled with petroleum fumes from some kind of stage preparations. In an instant, everything and everyone is on fire.

Now a narrarator steps in, making it something like a History Channel "Greatest Disasters" episode. He talks about how the fire spread so quickly that it was almost merciful, going in all directions at once. No one got out, but they didn't suffer long. I wake up, see the window's open and the wind is blowing really strong outside. I'm blaming the wind, personally.

On a better note, I did have much more colorful and less disastrous dream the other night. In the dream it's just before a battle between giants, titan-sized ice elementals and massive treants. Then there's my side, which is a few treants plus some humanoid races. The battle starts, and it turns out that I've got something that will make us win. Of course, the other side knows that too, and they go for me.

I'm being chased by one of ice titans, and I figure I'm faster than it is so I'm safe. I don't factor in how far it can reach, and realize I really need to kick it into gear. I cross a shallow stream and hop on a horse to get away. There was more to the dream, and some especially vibrant blues and greens, but I'm running out of time.