Monday, November 19, 2007

It's possible that I may have had better weekends in my life, but I don't remember them.

It started with deer hunting (or “Bambi Killing” to you PETA wanna-be hippies) on Friday. I blew out of the Cities right after work and was up at my dad's place in Two Harbors by noon. Shot the breeze, got ready, and was in the stand by about 1 pm. Being that I usually sleep from about 10 am until 3 pm, staying awake wasn't easy. Luckily the lack of a door/safety rope in the stand, combined with the rather sketchy spot I had to place the gun gave me plenty of incentive not to doze off. Shortly after 4- VENISON. Nuthin' huge, but 6-points o' tasty eatin'. Between me, my dad and his wife the whole shebang is dressed, cleaned and butchered by noon Saturday. Right now I'm marinatin' me some ribs...

Anyhow, Saturday morning at 7 am someone's calling me from Wisconsin. Wtf? It turns out that it's a guest I'd had at the Shed. She tells me it's the start of Wisconsin's deer hunting season and I should go to the game since there'll be a lot more availabe tickets. I'd already been luckless trying to get my Sunday shift covered in case I hadn't bagged a dear early, so I thought I was "s.o.l". Luckily, the other bartender said he could call in to his other job when he found out I was going to be able to go to the game. 10:30 Saturday night and I'm on the road to Lambeau!!!

I get to Green Bay a little before 3 am and grab a few hours of sleep in my car . I arrive early and apply my “warpaint,” which was far from optimal. Normally I use costume make-up, but since I didn't have green and gold/yellow on hand, and everywhere was closed, I substituted a Crayola kid's paint set (“washes easily from skin!”). Um, it sucked. The yellow barely showed up, and while the green was a wonderfully dark color, it dried and cracked and did the same to my skin.

I end up having to get a ticket from a scalper ($200!!! But hey, that's what I'd actually expected, so meh), cruise the tailgate scene, and head in. Pick up my cheese head, enter into the pre-game raffle, and hang out in the Atrium. At the raffle, there's a few hundred people but they only gave out (if memory serves) about 4 prizes. They preface the last one by saying that “they hope whoever wins this one has a big vehicle.” Um, I won. I have a small car. It's a huge ass commemorative mirror. More on this later.

The game itself is amazing. We whooped the Panthers 31-17, Favre had a good game (great for a mortal QB), and everyone there was into it. I even had people take their pictures with me, and I'm hoping they e-mail them to me so I can post 'em. My voice is almost gone by the half, but it was a simply gorgeous day for football- I couldn't have picked a better day for a first trip to Lambeau. Y'know that list everyone has of things they want to do in life? Watching Favre play (win) at Lambeau was in the top 5. Check.

After the game I wait until things clear out so I can drive right up to pick-up my mirror (it's light but awkward, so I didn't want to risk carrying it solo for the ¼-1/2 mile back to the car). I finally get it into my car, but only after I've taken it out of the box AND the plastic wrap. It's also sticking 6” past the head of my seat, so I spend the entire 5+ hour trip driving like a bad contortionist. I keep thinking about the joke the goes “Q. What's the last thing to go through a fly's mind when is hits a windshield? A. It's a##.” Only for me, it'd be a giant commemorative mirror. As seen below- the ebay listing I got this off was selling it for $319 :D

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