Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another Dream...

This one was a short dream, and I don't remember all the details, but it was still creepy enough to remember the gist. I'm a kid (don't remember which gender, but I know there was character shift through the dream) in something akin to an orphanage. But it's more like a farm. You see, where I'm at they extract memories and convert them into some sort of fuel- likely mystical in nature, but it was glossed over. Children provide the most vibrant memories, and the more emotional (and in general, happier) the memory the more potent the extraction. Needless to say, we're trying to get out. There's another person chained up in the basement who is pretty much Sloth from The Goonies. We get him to act up, and he distracts the security while I gather some random trinkets that will help me escape.

That's about all I remember, except a really dismall scene where a bunch of haggard looking middle-age to old men are standing in a garden with gardening tools (hoes, shovels, rakes, etc) looking all but dead. It just really stuck out to me that whoever was doing this was harvesting all the good things out of the minds of children. Not exactly an upper of a dream.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Random Dream

The dream begins and I'm a half-elf ranger in grayish outfit rather similar to the dude on Assassin's Creed (which I've never played). I'm in a helluva spot- I'm currently on my back behind a small tuft of dirt and brush trying to hide from a colossal red dragon that knows damned well that I'm there. The thing is, I have an arrow at the ready, and this arrow can do serious damage to the dragon. It's a Mexican standoff, but either way I'll probably end up toasted. Finally, the dragon moves...

There's a river nearby with a couple large downed pines, and it's my only chance to make it out alive. I bolt for it, and try to shoot a link in one log jam to knock it loose. If it works, I can rush through before I'm immolated- but it doesn't work. Still running I dive behind the downed pines, hoping I've made it in time before flames rush over me. Luckily we both had the same idea- the fight's not worth it. When I'm not incinerated, I look up and see the dragon flying off.

I decide that I'm not gonna risk him having a change of heart, so I book it down river, vaulting over the charred corpse of one of his fallen dragon enemies (that looked suspiciously like the "villain" ice bear from The Golden Compass). After a short sprint, I turn the bend and run smack into a group of semi-corporeal wraiths. Luckily, my sword is particularly suited for battling undead, and they pose me little danger. I strike one with the flat of my blade, and it turns out it's not a wraith- it's a human in disguise.

The human is actually a member of the B.P.R.D (Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, from the Hellboy comics), in this dimension on a mission. I pull out a token with Hellboy on it, and ask if they know him. I explain that we've teamed up a couple times, and they offer to bring me back over to their side if I want to meet up with him. I've finished what I needed to do, so as I'm getting ready to agreed...the alarm goes off.

That was Wednesday. Yesterday wasn't quite as good. It turns out that I'm a "special" from the Heroes t.v. series, and I'm being trained/auditioned by The Company. I have a weird smattering of abilities, including healing, strength, and muscle mimicry. Myself and three others are a sniper team (two spotters and two shooters- myself and one other). We need to snipe a military general from some South American country that has been committing war crimes. The tough part- when we get there he's taking off in a plane. It makes for a difficult shot to say the least, and the first guy misses. I take my shot, and it's a hit. However, because the shot was over a mile and through the side of a plane, it hits bone and isn't a kill. Bennet's there, and he informs us that we've failed out mission and didn't make the cut.

Wonder what I'll dream today?