Tuesday, July 1, 2008


A wide variety in last nights batch, but they all pretty much shared the outside theme. Don't remember which one came first, so I'll go most mundane first.

In one part, I've been hired to work at a small airport. Don't know how I qualified, but apparently I did. It seems pretty fun, since at one point I get to effectively ride a chair at pretty good speeds around the hangar. Then we have to walk across the runways after fueling/checking a couple planes. As we walk across, I'm falling behind because my boots feel so incredibly heavy. It actually gets to the point that after stopping at a small shelter (because at this point the runway has turned into a somewhat primitive encampment) I don't have the strength to stand back up. Eventually I succeed by pulling myself up with the door (though the shelter has turned into a car and I'm warned not to break the glass). I catch up with the guys I'd been working at sitting at a long table set by a path. They're eatin' all fur trader style, but I'm too tired to be hungry.

The next (most interesting to me) part is where I'm trying to crawl in between to balsam trees for some reason. I see inside that there are two purses, I assume that someone's been purse snatching and stashing them here. Before I can confirm this, though, I notice that across the stream adjacent to me is a family of bears. I'm watching them, and one start to come over to me. At this point they're not a lot more like kit foxes. One timidly approaches me, in that "I really want to be pet but I'm terrified and don't know if I'm supposed to be biting you" kind of way.

The final part is after a long hike to a lake up in Voyageurs National Park. My hiking companion and I are trying to cross a plank bridge through a swamp when we notice that our destination is actually just a few dozen yards away through the woods. We're tipped off because we see two guys hauling their gear up on the shore. We go over, mainly to cut time off our portage but also to say hi.

They seemed a little sheisty, and they're complaining because there's a stick across their canoe that they can't move. I go over to it, and it turns out to be the Spear of Longinus! I'm just starting to wonder at this when it starts to wind and rain- big time. We're being hit by a tornado, and one of epic proportions. I'm safe though. While I am laying on my stomach, the wind an rain are passing around me (kinda like the ants scene in Indian Jone's IV).

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