Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm such a dumbass...

Okay, before I get to the rest of this post, I'd like you to know the situation. It's current five minutes before 4 am. I'm sitting on a Coleman cooler, typing this on my laptop in front of my appartment building. Why am I doing such a thing? Well, it's because I forgot my goddamned keys in my appartment, and no one is up at this god forsaken hour but me! Luckily I'm still within range of my wireless...

Why am I up? Well, aside from the usual having to work in just over half an hour, I've been up all night cleaning the appartment. This is something that it dreadfully needs, and will likely take multiple sessions to accomplish. However, I'm pleased with the progess so far, and will be moreso once I get my bedroom done.

Of course, there have been problems...

...Okay, this is the part where if you've just eaten, or are about to eat soon, or maybe ever again, that you want to stop reading. See, about a week and a half ago (a baaaaaad way to start a story like this), I made some broccoli cheese soup. Of course, I made more than I could eat in one sitting, so I put the rest back in the oven to cool down so I could portion it out. And promptly forgot about it.

Brian and I go camping last weekend, and I remember that it's still in there- yikes! But the hour it takes to get back to the cities is more than enough for me to forget about it again. Fast forward to last night. I'm preheating the oven for pizza, and yes the soup is still in there and no I don't remember this beforehand. Now imagine the smell of a small appartment with a half pot of broccoli cheese slime recently brought to 400 degrees Farenheit. Now, I'm not gonna pull punches on this description, so that's your warning, but it looked like someone's snot threw up. That's the only way I can think to describe both the consistency and the color. Indeed, as I poured it into the garbage, it was incredibly difficult not to gag.

If this gives you any indication as to how bad it was, I poured dirty kitty litter on top to make it smell better. The whisk and ladle were still in it, too. Being hard to clean as they are, I just threw the whisk away. I'm going to brave the ladle...

Now, being that the EPA was probably already getting reports about me, my primary concern was getting that shit out of the appartment. I had not doubt that it was going to get me if I didn't get it first. Of course, in my rush, I forgot the little details like MY KEYS!

So, once again, here I am, just after 4 am, waiting until 4:30 so I can call the office to try to get the phone number of one of the people who comes in at 5 so that I can get picked up. Afterall, I lost the phone numbers for them all and haven't put them back in my new phone. So as I stated before, I'm such a dumbass...

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