Wednesday, August 22, 2007


GenCon has come and gone, and I'm back. It was a freakin' awesome trip, and it's time to give a recap. Here's a day-by-day:

Wednesday: Bug outta work, pick up Matt and Mikey, and head out. My trunk is broken right now, so it doesn't latch and leads to some slow residential driving and consternation. At highway speeds the wind keeps it down and semi-latched but it's something we deal with the whole trip. Mi amiga Tasha is on her way back from Charlotte at the same time on the same route, so after some minor backtracking and miscommunication, we meet up past Madison and say "hi." Matchik takes the wheel for a bit(I had less than an hour of sleep, so a 9 hour drive was NOT gonna happen), and we get into Indy without incident. Once in Indy we meet up with John and Brian, check out the hotel and eat at the Ram- sooooo good.

Thursday: Get up late >:(, and get into the Frost Giant. It's whole lotta make-up and braiding , with a ton of help from Matt. It turns out o.k, though, and we hit the 'Con. I get some pretty good response to my costume, and hit the vendor floor. I pick up a bunch of minis, get hit on (well, okay, mostly just hit) by the Conan girls and interviewed by (I still need to find the interview).

Shortly thereafter, while Matt and I are checking out the art gallery, I get stopped by security and they tell me that my axe looks "too realistic." Now, I understand they need to do their job, but the part that bugs me is that NO ONE else on security other than this guy was concerned, and even he said that within 20' he could tell it wasn't real. So basically, if he'd had the day off I would have had no problems.

We run TrueDungeon just before 5, and it's a good time despite half the party (3 of the 4 melee characters) being turned to stone halfway through the adventure. I go back and try to scour the paint off myself. We head across the street to Claddagh, an Irish pub, and we grub it up. On the way back to the room, John, Brian and I get in the elevator with five other people. No one is talking, and I've had too much to drink to stand there silently for four floors. So I start singing a parody of the Ooompa Loompa song. But here's the thing...

I wasn't really paying attention to the short chubby chick with the orangish hair. As soon as she gets off Brian and John burst out laughing, thinking I was a total asshole (which I was, just not intentionally or maliciously). Even worse, the laughter combined with some greasy bangers and mash put Brian in the can giving the toilet the good old "Irish hello."

Friday: Hit a lecture with Brian and Mikey about using created languages in writing (and to a much lesser extent gaming), buy more stuff, get accosted by hippie artists "trying to create a society that doesn't suck," and attend a game session with Matt and Mikey that gets cancelled. We paint some minis, then I meet John and Brian for some tasty sushi at Mikado. We go back to the room and play "Kill the Hippies." Late night run to Steak n' Shake, which I find out is basically the ugly bastard child of a McDonald's and a Perkins.

Saturday: The big day- costume contest! I get Matt to braid my hair again, but do the paint myself (a huge pain in the ass, but I manage). I spend most of the morning watching anime and trying not to sweat. I register for the contest (well aware I stand no chance of winning, but wanting to do it anyway), do the parade and the contest. I see some really great costumes, and end up in line between two black-robed Raistlins. Sit through the contest (which wasn't too bad), the "entertainment" by some dude named "Luke Ski" or some such who truly blew nuts, and realize that unless you've done a really competitive level costume that it's just a huge time sink to enter the contest. Head back to scrub off.

We eat at the Ram again, and I nearly kill myself (beer, calamari, a 1lb burger, and a towering piece of mud pie). I am truly in pain from eating so much, and when we get back Brian decides he's gonna skip the Midnight Zombie Show. Matt and I go anyway, because why the hell not? The MZS goes something like this- 80 people at eight tables, with one guy monitoring the action. Everyone grabs a character in the theme (this year was zombies attack Toon Town), and when the zombies attack your table tries to survive. I ended up being Speed Buggy, and Matt was Snively Whiplash (he did a damned good job too). It was too convoluted to recap, but at the end the person the moderator liked the most (i.e was the most entertaining) wins a copy of the game "Zombies!!!" And the winner is.... ME!!! Yay!

Sunday: My big thing Sunday was that I wanted to watch to movie "The Great Yokai War," which was a story involving monsters from Japanese folklore. It gets cancelled, which peeves me greatly, but we watch "12 Kingdoms" instead, a fuedal-era Japan type anime where nearly all the heroine does is bawl uncontrollably. We hang out a little more, I watch some dudes play a game of minis while Matt finished a mini, we play a game of werewolf, and hit the road.

We'd parked in the garage near our hotel, since it said "lost tickets $18" and we figure we'll just say we lost our tickets and get 5 days of parking for $18 bucks. Long story short, we get busted but the dude says in broken english that he understands and doesn't care. We get his name, and when we go back next year we are TOTALLY bringing him a souvenir.

The drive back begins, and after a couple hours the rain begins and takes us back to the cities. This time I don't need a nap, and we get back shortly after 1 am. All in all, a freakin' awesome trip.

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