Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Beer, Buffalo Wings, and a Total Lunar Eclipse...

... or at least that was how my night was supposed to go. When I got back from work last night, I went almost immediately to bed (about 11:30 pm). After dozing slightly for about an hour, my cats wake me up as they start beating the hell out of each other- with my hand in between them. Long story short, I'm not gonna be getting back to sleep. I start some half-assed cleaning, and decide that I'll head to work early, grab a beer, make some buffalo chicken breasts with my left-overs, and watch the lunar eclipse.

As soon as I walk out the door it starts to rain. I've NEVER had it work so perfectly. Anyhow, I go back inside and watch a bit of a TPT show on the European perception of America, and when the finish with Poland I decide that I'll head out anyway. I grab the hot sauce and blue cheese (the beer was already in the fridge), and head to work. I don't know where I put my bottle opener, so I had to open the bottle on the handicap parking sign. Nonetheless, drinking beer from a jagged mouthed bottle of beer and catching the ass end of a great lightning show is STILL one of the best starts to the work day I've ever had...

And now for the chicken.

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