Friday, September 21, 2007

Of all the things I've lost...

...the last 10lbs has been the best. That's right, two weeks in the gym and I've managed to get rid of 5lbs a week. This puts me a full 1/4 of the way to my "goal," which is giving me great hopes of exceeding it. Of course, this week's been a bit lax on the diet I've been trying to keep. I've been drinking more than usual, and while my eating out has been sushi and almost-all-veggies stir-fry, I need to watch it. While I don't actually expect to be able to lose 5lbs a week for 16 weeks (losing 90lbs would be a bit extreme), that's no reason to NOT try for it.

I've been a lot better at going to the gym than I expected. I took Monday off as a rest day, and Tuesday I missed because I did just about everything BUT rest on Monday and needed to get sleep somewhere. Because I wanted to at least keep up with my schedule I went twice on Wednesday, and between the two sessions burned nearly 2000 calories between some light weights and almost 2 1/2 hours on the elliptical machine. My calorie goal has been steadily climbing, but at this rate I'll burn a steady 5000+ calories a week. Now I just need to make sure that I'm not sitting around on my ass.

I've been playing some more disc golf lately as well. It started out pretty well, with my putting really seeming to have improved. Of course, that was short lived, and my last few rounds have been downright miserable. It doesn't help that I can go to the gym for an hour and half and be fine, but playing disc golf for an hour makes my knee hurt like hell. But on the upside, my drives have been improving.

Oh well, gonna be a busy one today, and I'm looking forward to watching the Twins rock the ChiSux. After all, it's been a while since I've put on my warpaint...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

It has begun!

Well, today is the end of week 1 of my diet. Yep, that's right, I- defender of whole milk and champion of the calorie, am on a diet.

It's not that I've necessarily been all that more unsatisfied with my body than before. I'm about 40lbs overweight (possibly more, but that'll get rid of the belly), but it hasn't really impeded my life. However, when I found out that some of my coworkers at the Machine Shed were doing a "Biggest Loser," it was the excuse I needed to start getting rid of it. We all paid in $50, and four months from now whoever lost the most weight wins the pot (a few hundred bucks).

The crap's been cut from my diet, and one of the biggest shocks has been getting used to drinking my coffee black. I've been eating better, though I still need to get some variety in there (a whole lotta grapenuts in skim milk, bananas, and bagels). The biggest change, however, has been getting a gym membership. Because of the holiday weekend, I couldn't get one until Wednesday. I've been good about it so far though, and have noticed two things; 1.) My endurance is better than I'd expected, and 2.) I should've done a few push-ups.

My goal is to lose 40lbs (10lb/month), which even if I don't win will still leave me satisfied. After that weight is off, and the competition over, it'll be time to get some strength back. My membership is 18 months, so that a whole year after the competition. If I can keep my ass motivated, I could put on some good muscle. I'll never look like a Spartan warrior, but I'll be damned close to carousing viking!