Friday, January 26, 2007

On the other hand...

Okay, so I've got why solo is good. Now here's my yays and nays about with someone else.

-Extra Input. There is a slim possibility that I could overlook something, or not think of something that might be cool to do.
-Extra driver (hopefully). This would make the trip out and back a whole lot quicker, leaving pretty much two extra days to do stuff.
-Keeping me in check. As briefly mentioned earlier, having someone else along makes me factor safety issues in to a much greater degree.
-Cheaper (?). Splitting gas on this trip would have saved me albout $200. Note- this only saves me money if my travel companion(s) won't need to sleep in a hotel. Or, if there's a few, as long as we don't spend many nights in hotels.
-The biggest pro by far is having someone to share the experience and the memories with. It's great to be able to think back on all the sweet stuff I did/got into, but it's even better when you can do it with someone else who was there.

-It ain't easy for people to put up with me, and vice versa.
-Junk in the trunk. As it was, space was limited in my car. Granted, I could have packed significantly more efficiently, but it's nice being able to chuck whatever you think you might want in the trunk and go. In addition, if you sleep in the car it's a lot harder to do with other people.
-Music selection could be a point of contention.
-Planning. If there are gonna be other people, I might actually have to plan the trip, unlike this last one. This also means waiting for everyone else to get their crap together and figure out when they could go.

Final verdict? It depends. If I go on a easy trip (like this last one), other people would be awesome. If I'm going to do a hardcore trip (15 mile hiking days, multiple consecutive nights, etc.), I'll go solo- supposing I don't suddenly come across someone who's into real camping.

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