Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Aside from my trip to KC (of which there's more to come, that's for damned sure), I haven't been up to much lately. Picked up two new restaurant jobs, so that's been good. I'm training in to bartend over at the Machine Shed in Lake Elmo, and it looks like that's gonna be an easy one that makes me good money. Things seem to run pretty similar to Joe's with more leeway on doing our own jobs and not relying on the management as much. In addition, the money looks like it'll be pretty good too. I'm also bartending at this place called The Happy Gnome, which is the sweetest name of any place I've ever worked. It's a place for beer connoisseurs, so I've had to beef up my beer knowledge by doing a lot of field research. They happy to assist in that, providing a free drink at the end of each shift. If their food wasn't so damned expensive I'd think it was just about perfect (though, from a bartending standpoint the expensive food is fine by me).

Disc golf has been good lately. I played a round Monday and three yesterday. My knee felt pretty rough, but between the four rounds I ended up three over par (+1, par, par, and +2). The pars were at Hansen, which was fine by me, since I birdied hole two both times, and the rest were hit and miss. The above-pars were at Acorn when I was playing with Patrick. I edged him by one stroke both times, which kept it nice and competitive and forced us to really try. Both games also came down to who did better on the 18th hole. He almost got me today, but my approach shot arrowed in and (according to the guys playing 17) missed birdie by inches. Needless to say, I was happy, though if I work on my putting I'm definitely going to be consistently under par soon.

Finally, since blogs without photos are generally boring as hell (not that I have a "readership" anyhow), here are some recent pics...

Mike and I in our war paint at the Minnesota Wild's sole playoff victory...

Kauffman Stadium on the most gorgeous day for baseball in the the history of the game. Such a fan of that ballpark now.

The one and only Boof Bonser getting his picture taken with the kids. I still can't decide whether he or Neshek is my favorite pitcher, but I am glad to see him on the starting rotation.

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