Thursday, April 12, 2007

Road to Hell(boy)

The costume progresses. I'd put it on hiatus when we weren't able to go to the cosplay deal, but now there's MicroCon (the local comic book convention). First, I stopped by the source to get some pics of the HB statue they have, since I'd be able to get better shots than from the comics (ironic, huh?). Then I went down to Twin Cities Costume and Magic to see what they had for me. Picked up a bottle of liquid latex to work on my horn nubs. Got some stuff there, then headed over the Axman Surplus to see what goodies they might have. I was really kinda disappointed, since I only found one thing for the entire costume. However, since that was for the tail, it wasn't a total bust.

For the most part, I'm still where I was before. The progress I've made is pretty much horns and tail. With a good coat of latex the spice caps I'm using for the nubs should take a good coat of paint. Then I should be able to fill the caps with heavy foam and spirit gum them to my head. As for the tail, I've decided to use a foam tube similar to a funnoodle. It was cheap, workable (man, a fillet knife cuts that thing up nice), and should be durable enough to last the day. Of course, the texture was completely wrong, but I picked up some tree wrapping that should cover it and give a nice knobbly texture that will take face or spray paint pretty well.

I'm gonna swing by Menard's after I do my hiring paperwork over at Machine Shed. I'll probably pick up some pvp pipe for the gun, and hopefully a handle. Now that I have the latex, I'm also thinking that I'll use a foot or so of that for the lengthy part of the Right Hand of Doom. I'm also toying with the idea of coating the glove with the latex, to see if that doesn't seal it well enough to take a better paint job. As is, I've got two weeks to finish this off, and I'm pretty sure that's plenty of time.

On a totally separate note, Monday night I saw an incredibly brigth meteor. I just happened to look over while driving home and caught it streaking across the washed out sky. The fact that it stuck out that much over the light pollution of the Twin Cities was quite impressive, and I'm pretty sure that it was a very low altitude burn out. Who knows, maybe some farm in Wisconsin now has a brand new alien baby...

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