Thursday, February 8, 2007

Tribute to a Fallen Hero

The world lost a hero yesterday. Reports released today list the official cause of death as suicide, ruling out "foul play" given the condition of the body. While parts of the victim were strewn about, it was clear that the victim had jumped to it's death, and was not pushed or thrown. Those close to the victim commented that "We never got any pictures together, so all I'm left with are memories." Time of death was listed as 10:25 am.

So yeah, yesterday on my way into Joe's, my coffee cup and it's handle parted ways in my hand. The little s.o.b just popped off, sending the cup to it's doom. This really sucks, because now not only are my caffeine portions significantly smaller (meaning more trips to the coffee pot), but now I have to go back up to Duluth for a replacement (it was a Duluth Pack mug). Harumph.

On the upside, my Brett Favre jersey showed up today, and I'm wearing it now. It's green (my favorite color), has #4 (my favorite number), is a Favre jersey (my favorite athlete), and is a packer jersey (my favorite football team). All in all, it's my perfect jersey. So I now officially have jerseys for the only two teams I really give much of damn about (Twins and Packers). I'll have to get a Wild jersey too, but I don't follow them as closely- yet. Besides, I don't yet have a favorite Wild player (especially since the Boogie man got hospitalized in a fight- his freakin' specialty!).

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