Tuesday, March 6, 2007

End of An Era

Well, it finally happened- they pulled the rug out from under us at Joe's. As I'd said repeatedly, I figured we'd show up one day and the lock would be changed. I hoped to be wrong, but that was pretty much how it happened. So, damn. There goes about 60% plus of my income. I can pay bills, but here comes the Ramen. Well, and the pounds and pounds of frozen meet I have in the freezer.

So, to reminisce about the longest lasting job I've had (a whopping 3 years), here's the pro's and con's of the closing.

Con: As previously stated, there goes about 2/3 of my income.

Upper: Shitloads of free time.

Con: I had enough free time before.

Upper: Now I have some forced motivation to really evaluate whether or not to move back up to Duluth.

Downer: It was easy money, and since I haven't gotten around to padding my resume it's gonna be tough finding a job I'm technically qualified for ('cause there are a lot I know damned well I be great at that I don't officially have the qualies for) that I want.

Downer: With a few exceptions, I worked with some awesome people, and I'm gonna miss 'em.

Upper: I have to kiss ass for money- for now.

Downer: No more BBQ dungeness crab.

Downer: I had not planned ahead financially. I've got the money I need for now, but there go the plans to pick up a few new toys.

Upper: Weekends off!!! Two days to sleep in/recover from hangovers!

Upper: When I stopped over Monday to verify, I was in a highly agitated state. While I know he was just the messenger, the guy from corporate was when I focused my attention. I never yelled at him, nor threatened him- I was just pissed. Despite this, I later learned that he, and everyone else, thought I was going to end him. And making people scared is fun.

Downer: I hate job hunting.

Upper: I did find an add for "18+ chubby male underwear models." I may have found my calling...

Well, there's more on both sides, but suffice it to say I'd prefer it hadn't happened yet. I hated the job itself, but I loved the money and the people more. Meh, time to motivate...

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