Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Imagine if...

Now, keep in mind, this is a completely hypothetical situation. Imagine that someone is both hungry and in need of a shower. Said person showers first, and cooks dinner second. The urgings of their stomach have compelled them to skip any intervening steps between drying off and cooking. The first course is a seasoned pinto bean/onion side that cooks up quite nicely, and quickly. While the garlic basil brook trout is browning in the pan, said person goes to sit on their couch and watch the Simpsons while eating the beans 'n onion. Said person does not realize that the last time he or she left the aforementioned reclining couch that it had not locked upright. Therefore, when he or she goes to sit on said couch is slides from underneath them, tossing scalding hot beans and onion (with pleasant chili seasoning, no less) in the air. Gravity would soon reassert its influence, guiding the meal-to-be directly onto said persons undefended lap. This would be of great concern to said person. Why they would post such an incident on their blog, one can only wonder. Good thing something like this could never happen.

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