Friday, March 16, 2007


Went out and hit Acorn yesterday, and it was busier than I'd expected. I had to wait for a couple of crews to move along, and it turns out that the "crew" behind me was a couple of kids. They're throwing from the short tee on hole 1 (the only sane thing for them to do), and as I play by they ask if they can play along with me. Since it's not like I'm going to be playing fast anyway (the guys in front of me were slugs, and so were the guys in front of them, and the one's in front of them, and so on), so I'm cool with it. These guys (Zach and Jordan, if you could get any more named-in-the-90's) seem pretty enthusiastic about the game, and I was glad to see that. They were easy to impress, too, which never hurts when you're as mediocre as I am. They played with me for the first 13 holes (Zach stopped playing at hole 5 because his hands go too cold), but they weren't dressed for the weather turning cold and snowy like it did so they headed out. I felt bad, 'cause I'd have offloaded a bunch of the discs I don't use anymore if they'd hung around. Not like I'm using 'em, and it's not like you need a top line disc when you're 10. Anyhow, it was nice to see kids getting into it, especially neighborhood kids. Makes me think they'll take care of the place better. Also, they were into wrestling, and much to my surprise (and joy) it turns out that the one and only Hacksaw Jim Duggan is still wrestling!!! That's freakin' awesome, 'cause he was one of my favorites back when I watched wrestling (mid-80's)...Good to see it, Hacksaw. Carry that 2x4 with pride!

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